DevOps has surged as a prominent methodology in recent years, driven by key factors such as the adoption of containers, microservices, and cloud computing. This approach emphasizes collaboration and integration between software development and IT operations teams, aiming to automate the software delivery process. 

DevOps as a buzzword in software engineering

DevOps, a portmanteau of “development” and “operations,” refers to a set of practices that detail the collaboration and communication between software development and IT operations teams. It aims to automate the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes, improving the speed, quality, and reliability of software development and deployment.

Several factors have contributed to the widespread adoption of DevOps practices within the software engineering community.

Containers: Containerization technologies such as Docker have changed the way applications are deployed and managed, providing lightweight, portable environments for software development and deployment.

Microservices: Microservices architecture promotes the development of applications as a collection of loosely coupled services, allowing for better scalability, flexibility, and maintainability.

Cloud Computing: The rise of cloud computing platforms has let organizations leverage scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for hosting and deploying their applications.

Impact of DevOps on development cycle

DevOps practices have had a profound impact on the software development cycle, including various stages such as building, testing, deployment, and monitoring. When promoting collaboration, automation, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, DevOps helps organizations deliver software more rapidly, reliably, and efficiently.

DevOps and serverless computing

With serverless computing, DevOps facilitates the deployment and management of applications. Unlike traditional monolithic architectures, serverless applications are composed of individual functions that are executed in response to events. DevOps practices help bridge the gap between development and operations teams in this environment, improving collaboration throughout the software delivery process and promoting automation, infrastructure as code (IaC), and continuous delivery practices.

DevOps and the Cloud

Serverless computing blurs the traditional boundaries between development and operations roles, as developers are able to take more ownership of the deployment and management of their applications. DevOps practices facilitate this integration by fostering a culture of shared responsibility, collaboration, and accountability across development and operations teams.

Benefits of DevOps in serverless migration

Development and Operational Functions

DevOps practices smooth out the development and operational functions involved in migrating applications to a serverless platform. Automating deployment pipelines, implementing infrastructure as code, and adopting CI/CD best practices, means organizations can accelerate the migration process and ensure a seamless transition to serverless architecture.

Post-Migration workload

Once applications are successfully migrated to a serverless platform, DevOps teams will  experience a reduction in workload related to infrastructure management. With serverless computing, the cloud provider assumes responsibility for server provisioning, scaling, and maintenance, allowing DevOps teams to focus on higher-level tasks such as optimizing application performance and enhancing deployment pipelines.

Focus on core DevOps fundamentals

The adoption of serverless computing reinforces core DevOps fundamentals such as automation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Serverless technologies means organizations can further automate and optimize their development and deployment processes, driving greater efficiency and agility across the software delivery lifecycle.

Data and database management 

While serverless computing simplifies infrastructure management, it introduces new challenges related to data and database management. DevOps teams must continue to focus on the reliability, scalability, and security of data storage and database systems in a serverless environment. Failure to address these considerations may result in quality issues, data loss, or erroneous database changes.

Alexander Procter

April 11, 2024

3 Min