Mammoth, the Mozilla-backed startup, has recently released its latest update, Mammoth 2 – aimed at strengthening its position as a top contender in the decentralized social media space – competing head-to-head with platforms like X and Threads. Mammoth 2 seeks to give its users a richer and more engaging experience on the Mastodon network with the introduction of several new features that promise to make it an interesting competitive decentralized social media.

Improved user experience and onboarding

Personalized follow suggestions

One of the standout features of Mammoth 2 is its commitment to helping users rebuild their social network on the Mastodon platform. Recognizing that finding and connecting with like-minded individuals can be a daunting task in the decentralized sphere, Mammoth 2 offers personalized follow suggestions. These suggestions are tailored to the user’s interests and preferences, making it easier to discover and connect with accounts that align with their passions.

For the art enthusiast, technology enthusiast, or someone interested in niche hobbies, Mammoth 2’s personalized follow suggestions strive to ensure that your Mastodon experience is meaningful right from the start. This personalized touch sets it apart from some of its competitors and underscores Mammoth’s dedication to enhancing user experience.

Curated smart lists

A vast collection of conversations and communities on Mastodon can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. Mammoth 2 introduces Curated Smart Lists to address this challenge. These lists, such as “Makers On Mastodon” and “Indieweb Devs,” serve as curated collections of accounts and conversations related to specific topics or interests.

These lists help users discover relevant content while fostering a sense of community. Whether you’re looking to engage with fellow creatives or dive deep into discussions about emerging technologies, these smart lists act as valuable guides, simplifying the process of finding and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Improved onboarding

Simplicity and ease of use have been central to Mammoth’s mission, and Mammoth 2 continues this trend by focusing on improving the onboarding experience. The update addresses previous pain points, ensuring that users can join the Mastodon network with minimal friction.

A smoother onboarding process means that users can quickly start exploring and engaging with the vibrant communities that exist within the decentralized social media landscape. By streamlining the initial setup and user registration, Mammoth 2 aims to make the transition to Mastodon a more user-friendly and accessible experience.

News integration and content curation

Partnerships for news content

Mammoth 2 has forged partnerships with prominent news sources like Flipboard, Newsmast, and to help users stay up-to-date with the latest news and insights. These collaborations bring a diverse range of news feeds directly into the Mammoth app. Users can now access news from various sources, all within the same platform, simplifying the process of staying up-to-date with current events.

The inclusion of news content aligns with Mammoth’s goal of offering a well-rounded and comprehensive social media experience. Instead of having to navigate between multiple apps or websites, users can access news seamlessly alongside their social interactions.

Smart lists for news

Mammoth 2 takes news integration a step further by introducing Smart Lists specifically for news. Users can choose from a variety of curated lists such as “News,” “World News,” “Business,” “Tech,” “Environment,” and “Nature.” These lists aggregate news articles from different platforms and present them in an easily digestible format.

This approach simplifies news consumption and provides users with a news feed tailored to their unique set of interests. From global affairs, business trends, or environmental issues, Mammoth 2’s Smart Lists gives users a personalized news experience.

Customizable “For You” feed

Unlike some of its competitors that rely on complex algorithms to curate user feeds, Mammoth 2 empowers users with greater control. The “For You” feed is customizable, allowing users to select the content sources and smart lists that align with their preferences.

This approach gives users the ability to curate their social and news feeds based on their interests and values. It’s a departure from the one-size-fits-all approach seen in some mainstream social media platforms, putting the power of content curation firmly in the hands of the user.

Subscription model and open-source initiative

In-app subscriptions

To support ongoing development and offer users enhanced benefits, Mammoth 2 introduces a subscription model. For a monthly fee of $2.99 or an annual subscription of $19.99, users can access premium features and enjoy additional perks.

Subscribers gain early access to new features and updates, providing them with a sneak peek into the future of Mammoth. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to participate in virtual board meetings, contributing to the platform’s development and direction. This subscription-based approach not only ensures the sustainability of Mammoth but also strengthens the sense of community by involving users in shaping the platform’s evolution.

Open source code

In a move that aligns with the ethos of decentralized social media, Mammoth 2 has decided to make its source code open source under the GPL (GNU General Public License). This commitment to openness and transparency underscores Mammoth’s dedication to the principles of decentralization and community involvement.

By open-sourcing its code, Mammoth invites developers and enthusiasts to contribute to the platform’s growth and improvement. It also allows for greater scrutiny of the platform’s security and data handling, fostering trust among users.

Growth and plans

Current user base

While Mammoth’s user base may currently be smaller than industry giants like Threads and X, it has set its sights on substantial growth in the decentralized social media sector. With approximately 50,000 app installs, Mammoth has laid a solid foundation for expansion.

Mammoth 2’s user-focused enhancements, such as personalized follow suggestions and curated smart lists, are poised to attract a broader audience to the platform. By addressing the pain points that users encounter on other social media networks, Mammoth is positioning itself as a viable and attractive alternative.

Android client and funding

Mammoth has ambitious plans for the future. Among them is the development of an Android client, which will extend its reach to a wider user base. This move acknowledges the importance of catering to users across different platforms and devices, ensuring that Mammoth remains accessible to a diverse audience.

To add to this, the company is exploring avenues for raising additional funds. These funds will be instrumental in further enhancing the platform’s features and capabilities, solidifying its position as a leading player in the decentralized social media landscape.

Tim Boesen

January 4, 2024

5 Min